January 12th, 2011

Winter Books

I don’t always pay attention to the “publishing seasons,” but this year I am, and the winter crop of books is pretty amazing. Winter books that I (and you?) want to read:

The Guardians by Andrew Pyper: I went to the launch party last night, which was super-fun and included among the canapes nutella on bread! I also bought a *hardcover* novel, which pretty much only AP can convince me to do…it’s a ghost story about friendship that sounds a little out of my league but really, I’ve never *not* liked an AP book.

The Divinity Gene by Matthew Trafford launches his first collection at The Gladstone on February 15. I’ve read a few stories around town and also seen Matthew perform some monologues, and am pretty much assured that this collection is going to be the weirdest and most excellent we’ve seen in a while. Also, that the launch is going to be really fun.

And Also Sharks by Jessica Westhead isn’t out until March, but I’m already excited. Stories in the Puritan and The New Quarterly have whet my appetite, as does thinking about her first book, the novel *Pulpy and Midge*. Only two more months to wait!

The Odious Child by Carolyn Black has been on my radar for a while, and this description from the publisher’s website makes me even more interested: “if your child is a furry feral creature, your new love interest a potential serial killer (or worse, a fictitious cliché)…?” Another March book–oh, the waiting!

The Beggar’s Garden by Michael Christie is a surprise treat for me that I just found out about today. Unlike the above authors, Christie isn’t in Toronto and I didn’t know about this book through “buzz.” Rather, a couple years ago I was totally blown away by his story in the Journey 20 anthology, “Goodbye, Porkpie Hat.” At the time, I googled around to see what else he had written and found nothing and was sad. And now today, someone’s facebook post informs me that he has a whole book of stories for me to read, out this month. I’m thrilled, and hope the touring gods bring him to Toronto sometime soon!

What other books are you looking forward to this season?

5 Responses to “Winter Books”

  • Scott Watson says:

    I have been out of the loop as far as publishing calendar goes. The only three coming up for me that I’m actually aware of is the “The Wise Man’s Fear” ( the second book in a series I inadverently read) and the new Viggo Mortensen’s new book of poetry/art “Winter Songs”. The final one is a book by a very talented Canadian writer from Toronto. I don’t know when her book comes out exactly though. 🙂

  • Rebecca says:

    Good tips, all three, Scott! 🙂

  • Nathalie says:

    I second the eager anticipation of Carolyn Black’s _Odious Child_!

  • Erin T says:

    I love the title “And Also Sharks”! Good to know about Matthew’s first collection, too.

  • Rebecca says:

    Erin T–are you going to come to the party on the 15th? I’ve heard a lot of rumours that it’s going to be amazing!!

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