April 6th, 2016

What I’m Worried About (ranked in ascending order by how frequently the worry occurs to me)

That one of my cats will get trapped in the fridge and I won’t realize it
Losing my passport
Someone will say something racist, homophobic, sexist, anti-Semitic, etc. and I’ll be too paralyzed to respond
Losing my engagement ring
Accidentally going into an alternate universe where I’m still me but my life is different
Never finishing my book
Accidentally talking to someone who doesn’t want to talk to me
Doing my taxes wrong
A Trump presidency
Mark leaving me
Someone bad happening to people I love (vague and enormous worry)
That everyone is secretly talking about me
Global warming
Not having enough money for retirement
My book is terrible
Someone breaking into our apartment and not only stealing our stuff, but letting the cats out in the process
Being unemployed
Falling down stairs
There’s a bug somewhere in here and I won’t know until it’s too late

3 Responses to “What I’m Worried About (ranked in ascending order by how frequently the worry occurs to me)”

  • Frederique says:

    “Accidentally going into an alternate universe where I’m still me but my life is different” Exactly, yes. It would be so horrible.

  • Rebecca says:

    It’s actually hard to believe there are people who *aren’t* worried about this!

  • Kerry says:

    On my list, every item is cancer.

  • Leave a Reply

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