September 10th, 2009

Things you don’t need to know

1) I took a mini-version of the Myers Briggs test and found out that I am an extremely boring person. I forget what the technical name of the personality type was, and they don’t make precise career recommendations, but the impression that I got was that I should definitely not to do anything creative as a profession, although I would likely be excellent at stacking papers into extremely neat piles.

2) In a similar vein, yesterday I was describing an activity someone had suggested. I said to my auditor, “I guess some people would want to do that, but I really don’t get why.” The response? “Human beings, Rebecca: make a study of them.”

3) Small recompense for being a boring non-human, but at least I continue to mouse lefthanded, and am getting better at it everyday. Still can’t use the drawing palette properly with the left, though.

4) Finally, I came to the astounding realization that, since there is no one among my good friends I would refuse to French kiss for hygienic reasons, being worried about drinking out of someone else’s glass is pretty silly.

Gone gone gone

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