October 7th, 2022
Thanks for holding
I’m not sure if anyone would be reading this blog anymore after a YEAR AND A HALF of silence but here I am again. What happened to the blog is that I got really into posting on Facebook during the pandemic. You can see some of the pando FB posts that I started moving over here in the omnibus posts prior to my giving up on the whole thing. FB was a really rewarding outlook for me during the lockdown, loneliness, and dread–it was easy to just take 5-10 minutes at some point in the day to pop down a few quick diaristic thoughts on how things were going at work, in the news, in the neighbourhood and in my head. All somewhat bad, but in all different, interesting, sometimes amusing ways. It was nice the way so many people were just ON facebook so they would see the posts and there were instant conversation partners just around all the time. It was very rewarding to chat there.
Not that I don’t love you, little blog, but I was just feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, and deeply lonely and there were so many PEOPLE on Facebook, and then I got into a groove with that. A lot of other things happened–BLM riots, Biden is the US president now…wait, who am I talking to here–the actual blog, this piece of the internet? readers have surely been able to access other news sites in the past 18 months…ok, for me personally, I got laid off from my job of 14 years in July 2021, had a wild ride of job searching, freelance working, novel writing, and existential crisis-ing for 13 months before becoming managing editor at a small feminist publisher in September 2022. Yep, I just didn’t blog the whole nadir of things. YOU’RE WELCOME!!
But actually just kidding, really, because those Facebook posts got solicited as a book and are forthcoming from Dundurn next June in the form of These Days Are Numbered: Diary of a High-Rise Lockdown, so you can still read all about my slow-motion freak-out if you want.
So we’re not really up to speed but we can call it that–I still live in the same place, still married to the same dude, same cats, similar friends (a few dropped off the radar during the pando but you never know when they’ll drop back on!) Hopefully I’ll update this space a little more regularly now that I am WILDLY BUSY AGAIN. That always seems to be the state of affairs that suits me best. Things have been a little too slack the past couple years. Good to be back in the thick of it.

welcome back!! we missed you.
October 18th, 2022 at 1:39 pmI find it so INTERESTING that you actively sought out other people to converse with online. Throughout the last two years (especially in therapy) getting online people’s voices out of my head has been a primary objective, because it’s just been so noisy. I like writing on my blog because it helps me find out what I think. And I like reading your blog, so welcome back to it!
October 18th, 2022 at 7:09 pmThanks, both!!
Kerry, I think I maybe had fewer people around overall during the lockdown and was just really desperately lonely? Also FB is pretty much a walled garden for me–it’s not like I was putting up with a lot of hectoring or anything. People were extremely kind!!
October 21st, 2022 at 1:24 amLeave a Reply