November 26th, 2018

Tell me what to watch

As a whippersnap, I watched a lot of TV–it was something I did with my brother and sometimes the rest of the family. When I moved out, I rarely watched TV with my roommates and even less once I lived alone. When the TV finally kicked it in 2004, I was limited to watching at the gym and friends’ places, occasional movie dates on someone’s couch..

Then I got into a “serious relationship” and found my desire to spend time with Mark occasionally outstripped the things I had to say to him. Sure we could sit and read together, that’s always nice, but sometimes you want to be experiencing the same thing at the same moment, together–and it was back to TV. In the nearly 10 years (wow!!) we’ve been together, here is a list of what we’ve enjoyed on the tube…anyone got any recos? We almost never watch TV separately (gag, I know) and both our tastes combined present a pretty narrow list of options. If you have any suggestions of things we might watch next, I’d be all ears (and eyes)…

Rebecca and Mark’s TV viewing history (ranked from faves to shame)

Parks and Recreation (complete series)

The West Wing (seasons 1-4, although now I wish we’d stuck with it even though it was tapering a bit in quality, as we went on to watch much worse later)

30 Rock (complete series)

Mad Men (complete series–I’d say this one was way more Mark’s choice than mine, but I was certainly invested enough to keep coming back every episode)

Community (complete series except for the season that was somehow only available on Yahoo, because how?)

The Simpsons (seasons 3 through 17)

Black Books (complete series)

Glow (complete series so far)

Stranger Things (complete series so far)

Mad about You (in progress)

Arrested Development (complete series, although the last 2 seasons were pretty much incoherent and we should have stopped)

The Tick (2018 version, half of the first season–it’s pretty good, but a bit violent and hard to follow…)

Bored to Death (1rst season–liked it fine, but not enough to figure out how to get season 2)

This Is Us (season 1 and…maybe season 2? I just can’t figure out if this show is great or manipulative pap? sometimes I catch Mark sleeping)

Sports Night (a little bit of season 1–I remembered this fondly from the 90s, but it’s actually quite bad)

That 70s Show (complete series–I can’t explain this, so embarrassing–the first two seasons were good, everything else…I don’t know!)

Shows attempted and not pursued: The Crown, The IT Crowd, House of Cards, Disenchanted, Downton Abbey, Love


12 Responses to “Tell me what to watch”

  • Stuart says:


  • admin says:

    Hi Rebecca!

  • Alexis Kienlen says:

    Friday Night Lights- you think it’s about football, but it’s really a family drama.


    The Good Place

  • Frederique says:

    Have you tried “1983” on Netflix? Alternate history of Poland where Communists weren’t overthrown, set in 2003 (despite title). Young man unveiling a conspiracy with help of grizzled detecive who’s asked too many questions! I like it a lot better than “man in the high castle” It’s in Polish with subtitles (there is a truly hilarious dubbed version, but good only for laughs).

  • admin says:

    Alexis, I’m trying on the Good Place–it’s a tough sell in the first season but apparently worth it eventually??? So I hear. I’ll look into the others.

    Fred, never heard of 1983, but because of my recent Poland connection (and Mark loves Man in the High Castle) will try!!

  • Frederique Delapree says:

    I cannot believe you don’t love love love the good place. That said the tone doesn’t really change from the first season…

  • Sharon says:

    I was going to suggest The Good Place but if you don’t like it in the first season then it’s probably not for you.

    I am currently loving Big Mouth (cartoon for adults, super raunchy and hilarious and endearingly left leaning) and Offspring (Aussie sitcom, very light)

    I wish there were more episodes of Scott & Bailey – the only police procedural worth watching with bonus British accents. You are going to want a glass of wine handy because the characters are always drinking massive glasses of red wine and you will be jealous.

    The Dark is terrifying but sooooo good. We binged it last Christmas.

  • Sharon says:

    ps. I noticed your site was down but I figured you knew and were handling it and I didn’t want to put pressure so I said nothing. So glad you’re back online!

  • Stuart Lawler says:

    Watch Fargo! It is the best

  • admin says:

    Thanks, Stuart! I forgot they made a show out of it!!

  • rebecca says:


  • Frederique says:

    I like “lovesick” on netflix too.

  • Leave a Reply

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