May 4th, 2010

Road Trips Announcment

Frog Hollow Press sent out their announcment of my forthcoming chapbook, *Road Trips* today. I tried for a while to figure out how to post the pretty flyer here on Rose-coloured, but Blogger seemed determined to thwart my desire. And then Dan very nicely posted it on Thirsty, thus solving all my problems.

So take a look, if you care for such things. The cover is posted, too, and it’s super-lovely. Just a few more weeks to go–I’m hoping to have the book in time for my birthday!


16 Responses to “Road Trips Announcment”

  • Da Ferdbid says:

    I have purchased my copy! But… I will admit to not exactly knowing what it is I bought. Ahem… I thought chapbooks were poetry books. It seems like it is a book, but then the promo stuff implies it is not an official book. Wikipedia is useless. Help!

  • Da Ferdbid says:

    I have purchased my copy! But… I will admit to not exactly knowing what it is I bought. Ahem… I thought chapbooks were poetry books. It seems like it is a book, but then the promo stuff implies it is not an official book. Wikipedia is useless. Help!

  • Kate S. says:

    Beautiful cover! I look forward to reading it.

  • Kate S. says:

    Beautiful cover! I look forward to reading it.

  • August says:

    If there's any left by the 17th, I'll be purchasing a copy. The cover looks great!

  • August says:

    If there's any left by the 17th, I'll be purchasing a copy. The cover looks great!

  • Kerry says:

    I can't wait to get mine.

  • Kerry says:

    I can't wait to get mine.

  • AMT says:

    I have purchased my copy too! Now tell Ferd what we bought. (It IS a beautiful cover. Maybe I will frame it and not read it. No, that is impossible.)

  • AMT says:

    I have purchased my copy too! Now tell Ferd what we bought. (It IS a beautiful cover. Maybe I will frame it and not read it. No, that is impossible.)

  • Rebecca Rosenblum says:

    Ah, you guys are the best! Thanks for the kind comments (I'll pass'em on to the wonderous FHP publisher, Caryl, who made the cover).

    A chapbook is, in simplest terms, a small book. I don't know if there's an exact size definition, but likely well under 100 pages. That's why poets so commonly publish them–a shocking amount of meaning can package up quite small in poetic form. But fictioneers do'em too–novellas and, in my case, mini-story-collections (just 2 stories).

    Because they are so little, chapbooks are hard to market and sell. You never see these at Indigo, for example. Often–in Canada at least–chapbook publishers go for quality rather than quantity, printing a very small run of chapbooks but making each object a real thing of beauty. That's, in my opinion, the case with Frog Hollow. There won't be all that many copies of *Road Trips* printed, but they're gonna be lovely. There's even a couple internal illustrations that I am rather in love with.

    I really hope you guys like the stories, but as a *thing*, I know you'll like the books.


  • Rebecca Rosenblum says:

    Ah, you guys are the best! Thanks for the kind comments (I'll pass'em on to the wonderous FHP publisher, Caryl, who made the cover).

    A chapbook is, in simplest terms, a small book. I don't know if there's an exact size definition, but likely well under 100 pages. That's why poets so commonly publish them–a shocking amount of meaning can package up quite small in poetic form. But fictioneers do'em too–novellas and, in my case, mini-story-collections (just 2 stories).

    Because they are so little, chapbooks are hard to market and sell. You never see these at Indigo, for example. Often–in Canada at least–chapbook publishers go for quality rather than quantity, printing a very small run of chapbooks but making each object a real thing of beauty. That's, in my opinion, the case with Frog Hollow. There won't be all that many copies of *Road Trips* printed, but they're gonna be lovely. There's even a couple internal illustrations that I am rather in love with.

    I really hope you guys like the stories, but as a *thing*, I know you'll like the books.


  • Ransermo says:

    Got my copy (I got the regular edition…sorry Becky we just bought new appliances). I look forward to reading new RR material. 🙂

  • Ransermo says:

    Got my copy (I got the regular edition…sorry Becky we just bought new appliances). I look forward to reading new RR material. 🙂

  • says:

    Congrats, RR!

  • Caryl Peters says:

    Glad to hear the comments on the cover but the inspiration was truly Rebecca. For any would-be publishers of her work reading this, I can only say that she’s a dream to work with.

    Love the website!

    PS I wouldn’t call Road Trips a chapbook due to the formal binding, but others have. Chapbooks are 48 pp or less and can be poetry or fiction – think Dickens, who sold ‘chapters’ of his books, hence the word chap-books – the street hawkers of the chapbooks were ‘chaps’.

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