November 26th, 2008

Readings of the Week

I just now realized the irony that my last post was a little blog manifesto stating that Rose-coloured is about reading and writing, when all my recent posts have been about publicity, bread and kisses. I’ll get it together shortly, promise: a real short-story review is upcoming.

But first, a little more publicity (no more bread or kisses; we are very professional here at Rose-coloured):

Tonight is the newest incarnation of the Pivot Reading Series, starring Daccia Bloomfield, Catherine Graham and Mike Knox, starting at 8pm. I’m looking forward to going back to Press Club and seeing CG and MK read for the second time each, and DB for the first. And of course, the always-awesome Carey Toane, as the MC.

A rival event for this evening is Mark Jarman reading from My White Planet at This Ain’t the Rosedale Bookstore. Much I loved *My White Planet*, I’d normally be sad to miss the reading but I’ll be doing a couple readings along with Mr. Jarman, tomorrow and Friday nights both, so this diappointment is less distressing than it might be.

See us, Heather Birrell and Russell Smith read some short stories and then talk about the form at:

Salon des Refuses Redux: Windsor
Art Gallery of Windsor
401 Riverside Dr. W, Windsor
7:00 pm

Salon des Refuses Redux: Waterloo
November 28, 2008 at 7:30 pm
Conrad Grebel University, Great Hall

Obviously, some of these events are a bit of a hike/drive, but all are heartily recommended.

Into the blue light of the flame

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Audiobook of These Days Are Numbered

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