October 18th, 2010

I saw the sunrise in Scarborough

Which is why I have very little in the way of interesting things to say this morning. But other people do!

First, writers in Toronto who use the library, maybe you could help them out by filling out this tiny survey?

Then, read Scott’s helpful (and amusing) list of 5 things that you shouldn’t argue about. You can’t go read the Toronto Star’s happy review of AJ Somerset’s *Combat Camera*, but you can get a snippet (plus some snark) on AJ’s blog. Andrew won the Western Magazine award, which is pretty much the content of the post at that link, but if you go there you can tell him congrats plus see a cute picture of a kitty-cat nose.

Kerry suggests you vote for *The Girls Who Saw Everything* by Sean Dixon for Canada Reads. I think that’s a good idea because Kerry’s usually right about stuff, but cannot personally vouch for this one having not read the book. Actually, I thought Sean Dixon’s novel was called *The Lacuna Cabal* (which it is, in the UK), which probably cut down on my odds of finding it. Things are looking up for me doing so now!

Anyway, you should go at least vote for *something* on the Canada Reads site. It’s all very interesting, even if you, like me, don’t know what’s going on most of the time.

One Response to “I saw the sunrise in Scarborough”

  • Kerry Clare says:

    *And* it is a very Montreal book. I think you’d like that. Thanks for the link. xo

  • Leave a Reply

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