December 26th, 2008
Of *course* Christmas is not really about pretty objects wrapped in pretty paper, much as I do like such things. I occasionally lose track of what Christmas *is* about, it not really being historically my family’s holiday, much as we do like it now. Mainly, it’s just a time of year when kindness as well as prettiness seems more apt to happen, and to be accompanied by friendliness and food and frolic. La! This year, a few of the gifts I received:
–orange scarf with *curly tassels*
–glitter cards
–apple-flavoured KitKat
–baking support (because as soon as a ruler, a candy thermometer, “egg wash” or extreme patience is called for in the recipe, I can’t do it by myself)
–lunch at Allen’s
–Deborah Eisenberg’s *Twilight of Superheroes*
–thoughtful review in The Westmount Examiner
–out-of-town friends in town
–baby pictures
–Bill Murray in *Scrooged*
–Christmas carols on every station on FM radio (I listened for about 2 days, which is about right. I firmly believe that people who hate Christmas carols have just been over-exposed).
–new hoop earrings to replace the ones I wrecked 1.5 years ago and never got ’round to buying for myself
–somewhere in the depths of Canada Post right now, a mixed tape
–the happy realization I can finally get my foot above my head (though only if I am leaning on a wall/fridge/car)
–leisure time and naps
–fancy tea towels
–tidings of comfort and joy
I hope it was very similarly wonderful in your neck of the woods.
Star of wonder / star of night
PS–What are we celebrating on Boxing Day?
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