March 8th, 2012

For the love of looking forward

One of the best and worst things about getting older is the way time speeds up. I remember when the distance between the first day of school and the winter break was practically unfathomable–I had changed so much in those three months the two Rebeccas were unrelatable. Now, of course, I scarcely twitch and the holidays are upon me–I really feel I don’t have enough time to relish the anticipation!

So I’ve started looking forward to things from further afield–it’s the only solution! And I do have lots to look forward to. Here are some readings, some near in time, and some rather more distant, only probably actually not once we’ve experienced the time at this breathless pace at which we hurtle forward.

March 14–Reading in Barrie on the Laurentian Campus there–see this
link (and scroll down) for deets. And it’ll be awesome, I guarantee (pretty much).

March 21–Pivot at the Press Club at 8pm. I heart Pivot–I read at their first reading ever for Once, then did a second reading for Road Trips, plus I have all kinds of personal mushy reasons for loving it. Should be a great night–with Sandra Ridley and Ayelet Tsabari.

Then at the end of March I have my own fantastic East Coast road trip with Amy Jones, but I’ve already told you about that and will again, so we can save that for a separate post.

In April, I’ll be a giving some presentations to the youth of Kitchener-Waterloo at the Renison Writer’s Workshop, in May heading to St. Catherines for the Virus Reading Series, and in June reading here in Toronto for the Eh List reading series. And in July (this one’s new) reading in Orilla as part of the Leacock Festival.

That’s as far in the future as I know for sure (well, pretty for sure) but I hear rumours of Ottawa this fall…stay tuned…

2 Responses to “For the love of looking forward”

  • Kerry Clare says:

    Oooh! We may have to come see you at the Leacock Fest. And now I’m looking forward too.

  • Rebecca says:

    That would be awesome, Kerry! I went to that fest once many years ago and I remember it being truly idyllic!

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