September 17th, 2011


A few more doings to report on:

–The National Post Books ran my story How to Keep Your Day Job on page 1 of the Post Weekend section today (but it’s also online at the above link, if you are not actually reading this on today-today). It’s pretty exciting to be in a national paper, and see people reading it around town. I actually saw a lady toss down my story without reading it in favour of another section (I didn’t see which one). I can’t explain why I think that’s neat but I do!
–Also in the Fall Fiction extravaganza, several cool authors (and me!) recommend new books we’re looking forward to!
–I also did an interview on my forthcoming (Tuesday!) book with the lovely Braydon Beaulieu at Faded Paper

Yes, the book is really launching on Tuesday, 7pm, Dora Keogh, 141 Danforth Avenue, and I do hope you can make it. But if you can’t, I have a few more online things coming up this week, so hopefully you won’t feel left out!

3 Responses to “Doings”

  • Heidi says:

    I’m hoping to come Tuesday. Congrats on the Margaret Atwood mention! Was that you I saw at Eden Mills this afternoon, on the hill listening to Sylvia Tyson and Johanna Skibsrud?

  • Rebecca says:

    Hi, Heidi! Yes, that was me–forgive my rudeness. I didn’t get it straight in my mind it was definitely you until well into the reading, and then afterwards I couldn’t track you down! Great readings on a lovely hillside, no?

    Twould be lovely to see you on Tuesday!

  • Heidi says:

    I wasn’t positive at first that it was you either. Then I decided to move as I was watching the readers through a hole in a tire swing. But they were great readings, and such an idyllic setting.

    Your tour schedule looks so exciting. I’m looking forward to reading The Big Dream, and it would be a privilege to help launch it on Tuesday!

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