March 20th, 2009


It is nearly impossible to send me things via courier. I think courier services are to send things to places where people reliably *are* between 9 and 5, and apparently I’m pretty hard to find. I’m not, actually, but I am to the couriers. If ever you want to send me something bulky, just use normal mail and I’ll pick it up at the post office. Sure, it’s a little slower, but at least then I’ll get it, and I won’t spend half an hour on the phone with Bonnie-the-unhappy-courier-lady, trying to track down my package, which–it turns out–is currently being housed in an un-TTC-able warehouse by the lake, and may be coming to me on Monday but, more than likely, won’t.

I bring this up because Bonnie could not locate a sender in the tracking system, and most people I deal with regularly know my courier situation, so what could it be? This is a longshot, but did anybody out there in blogland try to send me something? And, if so, was it perishable? This is going to bug me all weekend. Even if it wasn’t you, please send theorems!!

Watch it be a summons.

That says more than the first two verses

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