January 1st, 2009

2008, I liked you

These 365-day units do not necessarily break off at useful points–I’m having trouble encapsulating the past year or imagining the next one because I’m in the *middle* of so many things. I can’t find a period to put at the end of the sentence that was 2008, to make it seem like an event rather than just a space of time that included a lot of beginnings and a few endings. And there’s not really a capital letter for 2009, either. The year seems not a blank page but an unfinished manuscript–metaphorically and literarily. I will get around to resolving somethings later, but for now, I’m stuck in the past.

An ending, even an artificial one like December 31, does summon up all the sadness of what’s undone, who and what’s been lost, mistakes made…but even end-of-day regret cannot obscure the fact that I had a wonderful wonderful 2008. And today is really the day to celebrate all that, and remember all that outweighs regrets, which is so much.

Lucky pastries
Impromptu yoga
Getting better
Free bad movies
My first car accident
Effortless poetry
Rivers I’d never heard of
Books in the rain
Books in bookstores
Wedding music
Every day sunrise
So much gossip
Cats, kittens, dogs, fish
Long-distance phone calls
Singing songs in Spanish restaurants
Reading aloud
Reading in bed
Beautiful funeral
Affirmation and respect
Music videos
Barack Obama
Streetcorner kisses
New words
Never wanting to be “good enough”
This blog
Smoked salmon

We’ve only got this moment and it’s good

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